Mon 27 Jan
Specials! New Pics. Your body needs my touch. Model beauty with great hands. - 28
(Greensboro, Downtown Greensboro hwy 40)
Upscale services for a upscale gentleman. What you've been looking for ;) - 28
(Downtown Greensboro hwy 40, Greensboro)
Get pampered by the princess! Great prices! Incalls only! no text! - 29
(Downtown Greensboro hwy 40, Greensboro)
Between a great experience, good hands and great prices these other girls should be worried. - 28
(Downtown Greensboro hwy 40, Greensboro)
great massages great prices 5* service - incalls only!!! - 29
(Downtown Greensboro hwy 40, Greensboro)
Sat 11 Jan
Great Deals! Read ad! Your in good hands. Upscale services. Incalls Only. Model Beauty! - 27
(Greensboro, Downtown Greensboro hwy 40)
NEW Hours ;) Great massages great prices 5* service - incalls only!!! - 29
(Downtown Greensboro hwy 40, Greensboro)
Great prices, Great experience, All around great. Deep tissue, Nuru, Soothing touch *Incalls Only* - 28
(Downtown Greensboro hwy 40, Greensboro)
Fri 10 Jan
Lets start your spring off with a relaxing body rub *Incalls Only* - 29
(Downtown Greensboro hwy 40, Greensboro)
Thu 09 Jan
Your in good hands -Model Beauty/ Upscale services/Incalls Only - 28
(Greensboro, Downtown Greensboro hwy 40)
Relax in peace. Model beauty. Rated pure, peaceful, fun & Mature. - 28
(Greensboro, Downtown Greensboro hwy 40)
Tue 07 Jan
Specials! All New Pics. Your body needs my touch. Model beauty with great hands. - 28
(Greensboro, Downtown Greensboro hwy 40)
Nuru, Soothing touch, Deep tissue, Swedish. Incalls Only NO TEXT. Serious inquiry only - 28
(Downtown Greensboro hwy 40, Greensboro)
Mon 06 Jan
1/16-18/15 Specials! $65hr Your in good hands. Discount for regulars. Upscale services. Model Beauty - 27
(Greensboro, Downtown Greensboro hwy 40)
Sun 05 Jan
12/31/14 Your in good hands. $60hr- NEW LOCATION -Upscale services-Model Beauty 8am-11pm 7daysWK. - 27
(Greensboro, Downtown Greensboro hwy 40)
Sat 04 Jan
Great Deeals! Read ad! Your in good hands. Upscale services. Incalls Only. Model Beauty! - 27
(Greensboro, Downtown Greensboro hwy 40)
Fri 03 Jan