Mon 27 Jan
💎 👸🏼☆S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! 💎Upscαℓε💎SWEET & DISCREET 🎀 👑ReAdY NoW👑 🎀 - - 39 - 39
(Greensboro, Your place or mine INCALLS & OUTCALLS)
BIG BOOTY LOVERS. Specials today 24/7..BBW sexy,sweet,cute face ready to play.. - 25
(Charlotte, Your place or mine..n.tryon)
2 💯% Real 📷🍭⛄Beautiful 🏪🆕SEXY 🎀BOOTY🎀 SuPeR SwEEt 🎄🎁SoFt & JUICY 🎍🎋 ❄💎❄ Ready to Play❄ - 39
(Greensboro, Your place or mine INCALL & OUTCALL)
Sun 26 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
X.x.X. RaTed Blonde_ BiG BooTy Puerto Rican Cutie! SpeCiaL *.6.o.* Tripple Hit! Call Me!! - 20
(your place or mine)
Sat 11 Jan
💎💎Upscale #1🏆 Choice💎💎 St⭐r🍒 compared to the rest✔ Im da Best💋 - 30
(Greensboro, Wendover[your place🏠] Mine)
💲60 💲100 💲180 💕RaVeN💕I'm the Fre@kiest❤️Habla Espanol💋iNCALLS&OutCaLls; - 21
(Greensboro, Your place 😘or💋Mine)
NEW* OUT∈ DoLL FaCeD CuTiE HuGe BoOtY BLonde Puerto Rican_ Special ..1.O.O.. Up All Day!!! - 20
(your place or mine)
BuBbLe GuM JuiCy ReD LiPs»»SmAll WaiSt BiG BoOty »» Puerto Rican BAD B!TCH »» LaSt NiTe» - 23
(your place or mine)
Fri 10 Jan
✨Let your 💌Fantasy💌 come to ⭐LIFE⭐ your place or mine baby 🌙 ❤ - 21
(Greensboro, Your place ❤ or mine ❤ hwy 68)
JeweL HaS a PooL °•o★o•° CaN u SwIm °•o★o•° Sexy LaTiNa FanTasy - 23
(Greensboro, your place or mine)
NewNTown⭐ Exotic ❕🔥PlayMate❗️ 🍆👅 NICE&TIGHT; . Let Me do You Right !! 💦👅⚠️ Slippery WenWhett - 35
(Greensboro, Your place or mine)
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
Sun 05 Jan
🌟💎 🍒 YuM❤ YuM 💢 CⓞMⓔ ☆GeT🍭YoU👅 §ⓞmⓔ🍭 ✦💞 REAL PICS 💞✦✦ AMAZiNG SKiLLS🌹•-:¦: •T✪TAL❌PACKAGE - 40
(Greensboro, Your place or mine)
NEW**. OUT∈ DoLL FaCeD CuTiE HuGe BoOtY BLonde Puerto Rican__ Special__ Last Day!! - 20
(your place or mine)
Your place or mine....come get the dream you have been dreaming off - 42
(Burlington,Graham,Mebane,hawriver, Greensboro)
💕Sexii Young Treat👅💦 Your Place🚗💨 Or Mine🏡 Call Me Now📞‼️ - 22
(Greensboro, Greensboro/ High Point/ Your place)
BIG BOOTY LOVERS. Special..BBW sexy,sweet,cute face ready to play.. - 25
(Charlotte, Your place or mine..n.tryon)
Sat 04 Jan
💋°o°•★ B€ÅUTiFUL ★•°o°•★ EXOTIC ★•°o°•💋1/2 off 2 GIRL SPECIAL💋•°o°•Up all night - 39
(Greensboro, Your place or mine)
NEW**. OUT∈ DoLL FaCeD CuTiE HuGe BoOtY BLonde Puerto Rican__ Up Late Night Special - 23
(your place or mine)
•♥••♥• [ BRUNETTE ] •♥• [ PRETTY ] •♥••♥• [ SWEET ] •♥• [ CLASSY ] •♥••♥• -•♥••♥• [ BRUNETTE ] •♥• - 24
(Greensboro, your place or mine)
Fri 03 Jan
NEW»»Blonde Puerto Rican BAD B!TCH »» BuBbLe B00TY »&» *THICK* »» Leaving 2Nite! - 20
(your place or mine)
Thu 02 Jan