Wed 08 Jan
60 hh 💋Private Burlington location💕Soft skin💋crazy curves❤️ Body Rub💎💎💎 - 25
(Burlington 💋704💎247❤️7239, Greensboro)
💄Double your 💄pleasure 💋double 👠your fun 💋one of us is a transsexual - 26
(Boone, Charlotte, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Salisbury off 85 exit 76, Winston / Salem)
Therapeutic & Sensual Massages and Exotic Dances! ~ Incalls Only - 24
(Greensboro, Downtown Greensboro)
New Pics 24/7 *Outcalls* I can meet all of your needs or at least try very hard:) - 29
(Raleigh / Durham, Raleigh/Wake Forrest/Durham/Henderson/)
👙💋 New Pics!! Your Warm & Private Oasis | Visit Me In Concord, NC 😍 - 26
(Concord, NC - visit me!, Greensboro)
Magic Touch Massage 8283171368 I will be in Hickory Friday 10 am :D - 34
(Hickory / Lenoir, morganton/asheville)
Now available! 3 New Asian Girls! - 23
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington, Winston / Salem, Outcall)
Sensual, voluptuous, mature, discreet! Current photos and video - 99
(Greensboro, Burlington/In/outcalls)
NEW PICS. Sweet n Sexy Lexi! Your tall Sensation, Great REAL reviews. - 21
(Greensboro, wendover ave)
Only here for a limited Time - Asian and Latinas Massage - 24
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Incall, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington, Winston / Salem)
♥VIP ♥ 頹 頹 頹 頹 頹 頹 頹 頹 ♥G☯RGE☯US 頹 頹 頹 頹 頹 頹 ★★★STAFF♥ 頹 頹 頹 頹 頹 頹 FREE TABLE SH☯WER !!!! - 26
(Charlotte, ♥♥South Charlotte (Westinghouse & 77)♥♥)
Weather got you down? Let me cheer YOU up!!! 💋Studio E💋Burlington 336-212-1381 - 33
(Burlington incall Greensboro Outcall, Greensboro)
¸.·´ -:¦:- *♥* FULL BODY RUB .....$80... JUST LIKE YOU NEED *♥* -:¦:- ¸.· - 22
(Greensboro, 80Hr)
Tue 07 Jan
Relax with a great massage and stress relief with Robin! Daytime appts. - 99
(Winston / Salem, High Point)
Hi guys r u ready to enjoy somthing hot and relax at the same time After A hard day at work - 31
(Greensboro high point Nc)
Liberate Your Sexual Potential with Goddess Leianna Raleigh: Thursday night to Saturday morning - 48
(Asheville, Charlotte, Greensboro, Raleigh / Durham, Raleigh/Durham, Winston / Salem)
come over and let me relax you with my oil body rubs! - 25
(downtown Greensboro (private home clean, Greensboro)
Sizzling Hot! Super Sexy and Great Body
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington, Winston / Salem)
If you want me then come and get me
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington, Winston / Salem)
Specials! All New Pics. Your body needs my touch. Model beauty with great hands. - 28
(Greensboro, Downtown Greensboro hwy 40)
💕Hello There👄 Lovely ☆100% Real ♡ Come and Relax💋DD36 💎💎💎Busty@@ Brown 👁 Eyed Beauty ** - 25
(Greensboro, Thomasville 👄 Trina Amore Spa 3364760126)
Double your pleasure double your fun real 💋girl with👠 transsexual💄 in Salisbury - 28
(Boone, Charlotte, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Salisbury, Winston / Salem)
**~Come Enjoy Yourself and Let My Sensual Hands Take YOU Away into Euphoria Now!!!~** - 24
(Greensboro, Highpoint Rd)
Don't settle for less come get the best!! - 25
(Greensboro, Burlington in-call/ Greensboro out-call)
Double Your Pleasure Double Your Fun NEW Real Girl and Gorgeous transexual hot - 28
(Fayetteville, Greensboro, in your town North Carolina, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington)
☑ 1OO% Sexy☑ 1OO% Ready to make you melt! Real Ad/Real Sessions! ((NEW LOCATION)) - 25
(Greensboro, Stanley Road Off W. Wendover)
Mon 06 Jan
Nuru Style, Waterspts, Role Playing and Fetishes - Winston Salem Sept 26th - 34
(Greensboro, Winston Salem Sept 26th thru Sept 27th)
**Learn How to Be a Better Lover** Tantra Amy is visiting Chapel Hill and Raleigh! ** 3/23 - 4/2 - 37
(Chapel Hill/Carrboro, North Raleigh, Greensboro, Raleigh / Durham)
Liberate Your Sexual Potential with Goddess Leianna - 48
(Asheville, Charlotte, Greensboro, Raleigh / Durham, Raleigh/Durham, Winston / Salem)
🚺NICE SPA🚺💖💖💖 walk in 👌🏻💖💖💖All American Spa- New Girls Relaxation experts - 23
(221 W EXMORE ST, CHARLOTTE NC, Charlotte)
ღ$40 HALF HOUR!! SHOWER AVAILABLE!! Visit BLUE MOONS New Winston Location Today!!ღ - 25
(Greensboro, Winston Salem)
Independence SPA. Chinese staff. Young Sweet lady just arrived.$60/H (704-606-7723 ) - 29
(Charlotte, East Independence Plaza, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Winston / Salem)
Alpine Health Club (EST. 1972) Erotic Massage - 25
(Greensboro, Winston / Salem, Winston, salis, Greensboro)
Cute Asian Women are waiting for you!
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington, Winston / Salem, OutCall)
E r o t i c / M a s s a g e s / A n d / M o r e - 26
(Greensboro, greensboro and surrounding city outcalls)
1/16-18/15 Specials! $65hr Your in good hands. Discount for regulars. Upscale services. Model Beauty - 27
(Greensboro, Downtown Greensboro hwy 40)
💛💟✨✨ BALI SPA✨✨💟 📛📛📛📛📛📛📛🔥 🔥📛📛📛📛📛📛📛💋 GRAND OPENING APRIL / 03 !💋📛📛📛📛📛📛✨💚 - 24
(Charlotte, ◤◢◤⛔️ Charlotte ⛔️🔥980-237-7413🔥★🎀🎀))
60 special 👄👄💋Body Bliss## 💎💎💎Busty@@ Brown *Eyed Beauty ** - 22
(Greensboro, greensboro 704-247*7239 In and out 👍)
**** ENDULGE inSWEET SUDUCTION ******* Private /Relaxing / TREAT AVAILIBLE Now! - 24
(Greensboro, Greensboro North Carolina w wendover)
Sun 05 Jan
double your pleasure double your fun in Salisbury one of us is a TS - 28
(Boone, Charlotte, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Salisbury off of 85, Winston / Salem)
(Asheville, Boone, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Asheville Greenville Charlotte)
😎Come spoil yourself!! 4 Hands all day !!! 💋Stacys Place💋 😁You deserve it!! - 22
(Boone, Charlotte, Charlotte,Nc, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington)
Double your pleasure double your fun real 💋girl with👠 transsexual💄 in Salisbury - 26
(Boone, Charlotte, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Salisbury off 85 exit 75, Winston / Salem)
Double Delight is Back (02/28/15 - 03/01/15) Specializing in the ART of NURU & Bodywork - GX - 30
(Greensboro, Raleigh / Durham, Winston / Salem, Greensboro, NC)
*60*SPECIAL! Let me touch u the way YOU want & make u HAPPY @ the end! UNLEASH your PRESSURE NOW!!! - 26
(Greensboro, greensboro WENDOVER- *DISCREET LOCATION*)
Heavenly Touches from an Angel will alleviate all Worldly Stressors - 25
(Greensboro, Greensboro-GSO)
🎄 🎄 LET US JINGLE YOUR BELLS 🎄 HAPPY Holidays!! 🎄 La Fleur SPA 🎄 OPEN LATE 🎄 704-394-5100 🎄 🎄 - 21
(714 Montana Dr#A🎄Exit-37 OFF I-85, Charlotte)
100% The Best Massages in the Triad Area! New PICS!! ❤Sexy & Classy❤ - 25
(Greensboro, Greensboro, NC)