Greensboro Bodyrubs (1334 results near me)
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Frequently asked questions
Would there be Side-Effect of getting a Massage?
You may feel some temporary discomfort and maybe allergies to some massage oils if noticed kindly speak to your therapist to change to another kind of massage and oils.
Is massage a health-related necessity?
Yes, it is. Our body is driven to work so much so time has to be taken to help the body destress, heal, regenerate and recharge, trust me, your body will tell you to thank you later on.
What to expect on my first visit to the spa?
Don’t be shy or intimidated, taking care of your body should be your joy and pride. Talk to your therapist about your fears and give a rendition of your likes, dislikes, and health history, fill out the necessary documentation and familiarize yourself with the various kind of massage available.
Wouldn’t it be considered inappropriate to get aroused when getting a massage?
Feel at ease in your own body and consider that erection as the reaction for getting the self-love your body and mind deserve. A professional therapist would not mind and you are always advised to feel at ease and very comfortable.
Is a happy-ending massage not the same as prostitution?
There has been a lot of controversy on this issue but I tell you it’s not the same thing since you are getting the message from a legal and registered business filled with a trained professional therapist.
Do I have to be nude during a session?
The choice is entirely up to you. If you have no qualms about being naked in front of a stranger, then, by all means, go ahead but if not request you put shorts on and communicate your choice to the therapist who would accommodate them.
Is there a special message for sports persons?
Yes, there is, you would have to speak to your trainer about which massage would be best suited for you.
Can I get a massage immediately after exercising?
Oh yes, you can, what better way to soothe those strained muscles than getting them soothed and kneaded by a professional therapist.
Do I get to choose the therapist’s gender?
Absolutely. The essence of a massage is to get your mind and body to a state of relaxation and for that to happen the layout, mood, and person involved matter. So, speak to your therapist about which gender you would prefer, remember the goal is relaxation at its peak.
How long does a session last?
A session can last from 15minutes to two hours. If you want a specific amount of time, you can speak to your therapist.